does anyone remember when guam was the big internment camp for the vietnamese refugees after the fall of saigon? the only thing i really remember--which came back to me when reading a post about fried eggs and fried rice on oslofoodie's blog--was that the 'fugees weren't eating the food provided by the military. couldn't hang with the weird american stuff, so the military had to look for fresh fish and veggies for the folk. anyway, for breakfast, they ended up cooking white rice, and fried eggs with oyster sauce, which is now a signature dish for aussie chef kylie kwong. crazy.

also a little nutty was a factoid i picked up on the late late show with craig ferguson who is totally hot dwarfy (more on that later). he had the chief designer of the 2005 mustang on, hau thai tang, whose family had fled saigon four days before the fall. apparently, his mom worked for an american company so they could leave with the company; the military knew that saigon would fall, so the family was told to pack one bag for each family member, which stood by the door. they were instructed to listen to armed forces radio, and the signal was bing crosby's "white christmas". once they heard that, it was time to go. !!! how many people today break out into a cold sweat when that comes on because of this??

oh the things i learn from late night television.